Newsletter No. 1 - April 2006


Newsletter no. 1
April 2006

Dear Colleague,

We are sending you this first evitherm newsletter because of your interest in thermal properties and processes.

Here you will find details of the resources available on the evitherm website and links to more information.

Please complete the online registration form on the website (go to the home page and click on the Signup button at top left) to obtain FREE full website access and to ensure that you receive regular information on evitherm developments.

John Redgrove
President of the evitherm Society

What is evitherm?

Evitherm is a web-based thermal resource centre, resulting from a 3-year project in the EU's GROWTH programme. It aims to facilitate the rapid flow of thermal knowledge to users of thermal technologies in industry for the benefit of industrial processes and the environment.


  • provides authoritative thermal property data
  • gives access to thermal experts
  • disseminates innovative solutions for industrial problems
  • promotes the adoption of good thermal measurement practice
  • helps transfer measurement techniques from laboratory to industry
  • facilitates collaboration and exploitation of thermal research

Thermal property data

Specially low rates have been arranged for evitherm users to access some of the world's leading thermal properties databases:

evitherm - based on the THERSYST database developed at IKE, University of Stuttgart, and now available online for the first time

CINDAS - an engineering materials data source normally available only by annual subscription or on CD-ROM but now uniquely available from evitherm at an unbeatable hourly or annual rate

NELFOOD - a specialist foods database hosted by the National Engineering Laboratory, Scotland

The data in these volumes of the famous TPRC data books are now available online from CINDAS via evitherm.

Visit Finding data for more details of the above and other (free and pay-for) data sources available from evitherm.

Consultancy brokering

Not all enquiries can be answered by an email or in a public forum setting. Sometimes a personal consultancy is needed.

Evitherm has developed a brokering scheme that brings together an enquirer with an expert who speaks their language, is in their geographic region and understands their needs.
For further details see the Help centre.


Project kick-off meeting, NPL, Teddington, January 2003

Evitherm offers ...
  • Thermal property data - gain access to some of the world's leading databases (see next page)
  • Industry resources - thermal information for particular industry sectors (Industry resources)
  • Access to expertise - evitherm has a database of consultants, an Advice line, a public Forum and a unique Consultancy brokering service providing extra technical support when you need it
  • Training - various training options, including a FREE Thermal analysis course from Professor Wunderlich, a leading expert in the field
  • Services - information directories on thermal property measurement, equipment supply, reference materials, etc. (Services)
  • Literature - links to books, papers, standards, etc. (Documents)
  • Events - conferences, meetings, seminars; what's happening and what organisations and networks you could join (Events)

… and more, at the evitherm website:

For a quick introduction to the website see A look inside

Technical areas

Evitherm provides technical areas designed to give a basic coverage of the subject and to showcase the resources available from the website*.

* In the thermal analysis & calorimetry area (see extract below) there is also a dedicated page for ICTAC members and associate groups.

   Evitherm promotes understanding and cooperation in the field of thermal analysis and this is why ICTAC welcomes association with  evitherm …
Jean ROUQUEROL, ICTAC President (2000-2006)

Advertising opportunities

To find out how you can advertise your products or services on  the evitherm website visit the Advertise & sponsor area of the website.

How can we serve you better? 

Please email the editor or …

use the feedback form (Give us your views) or …

use the Forum to communicate with others sharing your thermal interests.

This newsletter is published by the evitherm Society. Please address enquiries to editor.

To unsubscribe please email editor.

Privacy statement and Disclaimer.
