

Events such as conferences, seminars, workshops and tradeshows are an ideal forum to facilitate communication and rapid learning. A fuller listing can be found under Events.

Below is a short list of the main events in the field of emissivity and other infrared-optical properties. Click on the titles or logos below to take you to the event websites.

If you want to add your own event information please use the free Signup button at top left of this page.

Title Contact Date & venue Notes

The 16th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties


30 July -
4 August, 2006

Boulder, Colorado, USA

The symposium is concerned with theoretical, experimental, simulation, and applied aspects of the thermophysical properties of gases, liquids, and solids, including biological systems. Appropriate topics are: Thermodynamic Properties, Transport Properties, Optical and Thermal Radiative Properties, Interfacial Properties Data Correlation

International Heat Transfer Conference IHTC-13


13-18 August, 2006

Sydney, Australia

This conference series has been held every four years since 1962. The goal is to provide a forum for the exposure and exchange of ideas, methods and results in heat and mass transfer

XVIII IMEKO WORLD CONGRESS Metrology for a sustainable development


17-22 September, 2006

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

IMEKO's World Measurement Congress aims to: attract researchers in all fields of measurement to present their scientific research results and experiences; focus on state-of-the-art research and development of measurement technology and standards; and advance the science of measurement knowledge
